To err is
human we say
Let’s make
Let’s be
erroneous to the point of no return,
For what is
stopping us but a little law,
A conscious of
sorts that is judgmental
A louder
voice that speaks in a commanding tone
It forbids
and it allows and it wears us down with guilt
And we ear
and we follow obedient to dictation
Until we
stop listening
And then we
blame our governments and our religion,
We warn our
children and we point violent fingers,
When it was
us all along…
If only we
had continued listening to that voice
The voice of
caution and the voice of reason
All it took was
a little attention
But blame we
will truly and surely
And we will
take it to our grave
When our
children stand above us
With heavy
hearts and watery eyes,
And as they
pray for our soul…they will raise their fingers one last time
To point… to
blame… to owe it all
To the
To the world
And to the guy